Making Decisions Jointly with Community

Ledge Light Health District, Southeastern Connecticut


Engaging community in public health work has a positive impact on a range of health outcomes across various conditions. Public Health Forward: Modernizing the U.S. Public Health System includes a recommendation to strengthen collaboration between community-based organizations (CBOs) and public health departments. The report calls on health departments to formalize public health planning and processes that rely on input from, and share decision-making with, CBOs and the people they serve. Shared decision-making requires deliberate strategies to center the community’s expertise in all aspects of program planning, provide the space for meaningful dialogue and develop shared priorities and actions that address the community’s self-identified needs.  


When the Affordable Care Act community health needs assessment (CHNA) requirement was enacted, Lawrence + Memorial Hospital (L+M) and Ledge Light Health District (LLHD), located in southeastern Connecticut, agreed it would be mutually beneficial to collaborate on developing a CHNA and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The hospital had resources for a robust assessment and the health department had data, expertise in analyzing community health needs, and strong connections with the community. The two organizations set up an advisory board that included a wide range of community organizations and individual community members, which eventually evolved into the Health Improvement Collaborative of Southeastern Connecticut. This group supports CHNA/CHIP work and shares a commitment to using a collective impact approach to address inequities through programmatic and systems level change with a focus on dismantling racist structures.  



Engaging community in public health work has a positive impact on a range of health outcomes across various conditions. Public Health Forward: Modernizing the U.S. Public Health System includes a recommendation to strengthen collaboration between community-based organizations (CBOs) and public health departments. The report calls on health departments to formalize public health planning and processes that rely on input from, and share decision-making with, CBOs and the people they serve. Shared decision-making requires deliberate strategies to center the community’s expertise in all aspects of program planning, provide the space for meaningful dialogue and develop shared priorities and actions that address the community’s self-identified needs.  

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When the Affordable Care Act community health needs assessment (CHNA) requirement was enacted, Lawrence + Memorial Hospital (L+M) and Ledge Light Health District (LLHD), located in southeastern Connecticut, agreed it would be mutually beneficial to collaborate on developing a CHNA and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The hospital had resources for a robust assessment and the health department had data, expertise in analyzing community health needs, and strong connections with the community. The two organizations set up an advisory board that included a wide range of community organizations and individual community members, which eventually evolved into the Health Improvement Collaborative of Southeastern Connecticut. This group supports CHNA/CHIP work and shares a commitment to using a collective impact approach to address inequities through programmatic and systems level change with a focus on dismantling racist structures.  

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key actions

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Make structural changes to support process changes.

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Elicit feedback on group processes.

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Lead with humility.

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Jointly set up and commit to a decision-making process.

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Respond appropriately to microaggressions.

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Devote resources to establishing a shared decision-making process.

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Compensate members with lived experience. Community members bring valuable expertise to the table and should be compensated accordingly.

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Share and discuss funding opportunities with the group.

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Anticipated Impacts for Public Health Departments

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The HIC is significantly expanding the community’s voice in the CHNA and CHIP.

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LLHD is applying what they learned through the HIC to other public health programs.

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potential challenges to implementation

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Establishing a meeting schedule when everyone can participate.

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Working within allowable grant expenditures.

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Support the community’s development of shared decision-making practices.

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Document the process.

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Incorporate shared decision-making processes in all aspects of the health department’s work and share resulting successes.

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